Steve Saluto Central | ABOUT
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Steve Saluto è un chitarrista, autore e produttore principalmente conosciuto per le sue collaborazioni passate con Richie Kotzen; ma ha anche suonato e collaborato con molti nomi nel music business come Buddy Miles e Phil Palmer … e spaziando dal jazz (con Jeff Berlin e Danny Gottlieb) al rock (con Darryl Jones, Marco Mendoza e Doug Wimbish solo per citarne alcuni). Ha all’attivo 12 albums solisti che mettono in risalto le sue versatili doti chitarristiche … senza contare il progetto del 2008 sotto il nome de “La Famiglia Superstar” (realizzato con Atma Anur, Marco Mendoza e Terry Ilous). Steve risiede a Treviso dove ha cominciato a suonare la chitarra a quindici anni frequentando all’inizio cosri di chitarra jazz per poi rivolgersi al rock ispirato dal solo di Van Halen in “Beat it”. Il sito “Melodic Rock” lo ha definitito come “il formidabile nuovo guitar hero italiano e un genio dello studio di registrazione”.
Alla sua carriera di chitarrista Steve affianca quella di produttore e autore per altri artisti nel suo studio di registrazione situato nei pressi di Venezia.


Steve Saluto is an italian guitar player, songwriter and producer mostly known for his past works with Richie Kotzen. But he also has played with lot of names in the music business such as Buddy Miles and Phil Palmer … and ranging from jazz projects (with Jeff Berlin and Danny Gottlieb) to rock music (teaming up with Darryl Jones, Marco Mendoza and Doug Wimbish just to name a few). He has a very prolific solo career. He has released 12 solo albums featuring his diverse guitar virtuosity … not counting the 2008 project called “La Famiglia Superstar” (with Atma Anur, Marco Mendoza and Terry Ilous). Residing in Treviso (Italy), Steve Saluto began playing guitar at the age of fifteen. At the beginning they were jazz guitar lessons then, inspired by the Van Halen solo in “Beat It”, Steve took up playing rock. “Melodic Rock” described him as “the amazing new Italian guitar hero and a recording studio genius”.
Besides his guitar player and band leader status, Steve is an in demand writer and producer for up and coming young bands under the production company known as “ImputLevel Productions” in his own recording commercial studio located in the Venice area.


Der italienische Gitarrist, Songwriter und Produzent Steve Saluto begann mit 15 Jahren Gitarre zu spielen. Am Anfang war es Jazz Gitarre, später jedoch – inspiriert vom Van Halen Solo in “Beat It” begann Steve sich dem Rock zu widmen. “Melodic Rock” beschreibt Steve als unglaublichen, neuen italienischen Gitarren Hero und Studio Genie“. In erster Linie ist Steve auch durch seine Zusammenarbeit mit Richie Kotzen (Poison) bekannt. Steve spielte mit vielen Größen der Musikszene wie z.B. Buddy Miles, Phil Palmer, Jeff Berlin, Danny Gottlieb, Darryl Jones oder Doug Wimbish, um nur einige zu nennen. Steve Saluto kann eine sehr produktive Solo Karriere vorweisen, in der er 12 Solo Alben veröffentlichte, die alle seine Gitarren Virtuosität zur Schau stellen. 2008 erschien das Projekt “La Famiglia Superstar” mit Atma Anur, Marco Mendoza und Terry Ilous.
Neben seinem Status als Gitarrist und Band Leader ist Steve auch ein gefragter Songwriter und Produzent für viele neue Bands in seinem Aufnahmestudio “Imput Level Productions” in der Nähe von Venedig.